Friday, 11 May 2012

Exploring with Stories

Exploring with Stories
out, about and doing things: indoors, outdoors, everywhere or anywhere with books to read, stories to hear and  our world to investigate

With activities to intrigue us and stories and books for inspiration, Exploring with Stories offers a number of public events over 2012. Inviting people to join our teams of artists, environmentalists and storytellers, these events will take us out exploring. We may wander into woods and meet the wildlife of fields and hedgerows or head off on faerie-tale walks, goblin quests or on a hunt for the bridges where trolls might lurk. Like Robinson Crusoe, on two days we'll make the dens we'd like to live in, hide in or listen to stories in. Another strand will step back in time, waking ancient memories in Buxton Museum and Art Gallery and uncovering the life of Doveholes' Bullring

Behind everything will be stories. We'll tell stories, share stories, invent new stories, and we'll read books, lifting small paragraphs from here and there to give us a start, feed in some laughter or answer a question

Events will be free and most of them are open to anyone (a couple will have booked places) – just turn up and join in. Children under 10 should bring an adult with them (grown-ups need to mess about too!).

Programme: will be released very soon (May - June 2012), but you can look out for
         ancient memories: life in the Peaks for Stone Age children in caves, in Bronze Age settlements and Iron Age villages: we'll make model houses, draw cave-style pictures, and invent adventures with mammoths and bears and wolves
         over the fields: bumblebees and beetles, birds and hedgerows: nature detectives, we'll find out about our local wildlife, and go looking for clues and a chance to fill our own boxes of Natural Treasures
         into the woods: the excitements of trees, their wildlife, their magic, tree giants and mysteries
         away with the faeries, goblins and trolls: in, out and roundabout: where would the people out of fairytales lurk in our modern, busy, noisy world
run away to adventure: we'll make dens in the woods and tell the story of how we came to be cast away in the wilds, with ideas from Robinson Crusoe, Stig of the Dump, Brandon Chase and Swiss Family Robinson

Who is organising all this?

Stone and Water are a Buxton-based community group, finding creative ways of celebrating the people, wildlife and landscape of the High Peak and surrounding areas. Over the last 10 years, Stone and Water have organised or been part of the delights of "In Pursuit of Love and Passion", the Buxton lantern parade; "People, Plants and the Peaks", the annual Tiny! events in Buxton's Festival Fringe and the lantern workshops and procession for the Christmas Lights Switch-on

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